Dear Club Member
The recent Harris Open was abandoned due to the sad and untimely death of fellow member Colin Troy during his round. We did play a scaled down Open on Saturday 20th August with all entry fees being donated to Colin’s family.
The traditional auction and raffle held after the Open did not go ahead, leaving us with a few desirable items which we are now offering to the highest bidders. The proceeds of this auction will also go to Colin’s family.
These items will also be offered on our Club website and Facebook page and are likely to attract a lot of interest.
If you are interested in bidding for any of these items please email Richard Marshall your best offer by midnight on the closing date of Sunday 19th September. The successful highest bidders will be notified by Richard after the closing date.
The three items are:
2 Nights Low Season Accommodation at Blue Reef Cottages – Kindly donated by Neil and Rhoda Campbell. Visit for full information on this stunning 5 star accommodation.
Two ball at Royal Dornoch – In the company of Dornoch Club Captain Willie MacKay – Kindly donated by Willie MacKay
Life Membership at Isle of Harris Golf Club donated by the Club.
If any of the above items interest you please email me your best offer and good luck.
Richard Marshall
Membership Secretary – Isle of Harris Golf Club